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The Sprint to 2020 - Johan Rockström - The planet's resilience is high but we are starting to se...
The Sprint to 2020 - Johan Rockström - Exponential increase in renewable energy
Johan Rockström explains why we all need to become planetary stewards
Professor Johan Rockström, Stockholm Resilience Centre
[official] GEO for Youth series: Dr Johan Rockström
Johan Rockström: What does building resilience mean?
Environmental Stewardship in the Sprint to 2020
Current Planetary Challenges and Scenarios to Respond / by Johan Rockström
Professor Johan Rockström - Human Prosperity within Planetary Boundaries
Prof. Johan Rockström – Closing remarks at EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2016
Johan Rockström, 2 Nov 2017 | University of Surrey
Johan Rockström - Attaining the SDGs within the Planetary Boundaries (50 Years CoR)